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Visited Link color not changing Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've had this on going problem with OW for some years now. On certain website the link color will not under any circumstance change, where as this reliably works for all other browsers (iCab, Safari, FF3, Camino).

My style sheet code (same css used for all the above browsers).

a:visited, a:visited:hover, a:link:active {
color: #9900CC !important;

example site

Any chance this can be investigated and fixed up once an for all?

If I use just your style above, it actually appears to be working okay for me.
Originally Posted by troyb View Post
If I use just your style above, it actually appears to be working okay for me.
yeah man def aint working here for me. go back to that site and do a search for something eg pultec then click any link listed in the resulted search list, then back button command+left arrow to see if the color changes. This never works for me in OW yet it does in other browsers.

here is another one but this time no browser changes the link color click a product and return, no color change. I even try over riding page styles to force it to use my custom page colors. still cant force it to comply.

Seriously man OW is bugged out on many sites I visit with this issue that other browsers don't seem to be. Very often on the search results of forums.

my code again is

a:visited, a:visited:hover, a:link:active {
color: #9900CC !important;
and ive replaced color: #9900CC to purple still no joy.

any suggestions?
If you use a custom stylesheet with only the above entry in it, does it work for you? Or still no luck?
Still no luck using only the above code entry. I notice normal links are bolded and visited links change to unbolded but no color. Works fine in Safari and iCab. OW has always been problematic with style sheets for me. Historically it used to refuse to even load the selected style on many sites. Thankfully over time this complication seems to be sortid. Obviously now it still can't get certain elements correct reliably.

Maybe there is something in the syntax of the CSS which OW is fussy with???
OmniWeb should handle the syntax the same way Safari does, keep in mind both use WebKit which is where the parsing comes from. If you set aside your preferences and try with just this style do you see any change?
Originally Posted by troyb View Post
OmniWeb should handle the syntax the same way Safari does, keep in mind both use WebKit which is where the parsing comes from. If you set aside your preferences and try with just this style do you see any change?
Sometimes it works mostly it doesn't. Very unreliable and unpredictable. Another site where colors wont change, this is currently effecting all my browsers OW, iCab, Safari, FF3.

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