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Printing and controlling font size Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Not sure if i'm missing something, the manual is a bit light on printing.

I am trying to print a planning view of a project with people as contexts. Multiple actions and nested sub-actions. I'm trying to get a print of my project without the font size ballooning-up and then truncating my actions field. I want to control the font size, down so it all fits.

Tried using styles with smaller font sizes without progress. Can this be done ? Seems like a mainstream need, but i could be missing something.

Just checked OmniOutlinerPro (old kGTD user!) and its printing facilites is exactly what is needed in OF. In that you get to set column widths and tons more. Looks like you guys have the code done, just need to integrate it into OF. Perhaps in the next beta cos surely it only a couple of lines of code....or a quick copy'n'paste ?!!!

~ J
The fonts are rather ginormous.

There are some was to customize the print settings... if you go to "Page Setup..." and then in Settings select OmniFocus (not so intuitive) you can tweak styles.

Unfortunately, heeeeyuge font defaults isn't one of them.
I concur. I would like to have more control over print options. It would be nice to have an easy way to print smaller font sizes.
I think this blog post from way back in the day will give you what you want - set up a printing perspective, with a custom page scale set up.

You can even print it straight from the perspectives window - no need to switch your window to the perspective if you don't need to.
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
I think this blog post from way back in the day will give you what you want - set up a printing perspective, with a custom page scale set up.

You can even print it straight from the perspectives window - no need to switch your window to the perspective if you don't need to.

Pardon the silly question but refresh me on the "custom page scale set up"?

Where would I set this? I can't see the settings in OmniFocus, and I can't see the settings in my print drivers (Samsung). The defaults that OmniFocus is using are HUGE (even though I'm using 11-point Lucida Grande, the print options look like it's about 24 point), and I can find NO WAY to change this. I frankly use "print to paper" like 1% of the time, but I do regularly use "Print to PDF" to send off a report of status. So a way to scale the ginormosity (that may not be a real word; spell-checker is complaining) of said print preview would be, ummm... sa-weet.

I did see the blog (from over 1 year AGO !) and tried it. Your right, it does print complete tasks and actuall wraps them at the end of the line. I even tried printing two pages/page (canon driver) and it came out well, everything visible in a non-kindergarten font size.

The big flaw with this is it looses my action hierarchy from project view which is important. I can't understand why OF would wordwrap correctly for printing in context view, but not project view. Have i understood the software right ?


Last edited by jeyell; 2009-01-23 at 12:10 PM..
CatOne, sorry, I phrased that badly originally. If you select File -> Page Setup, the resulting window includes a "Scale" field. That's what I'm referring to there.
Hmmm... well, the page scale doesn't actually take the layout that the window uses and then scale that down. What we do is use those settings to do a new custom layout that fits the paper size you have selected. So that's why the word wrap may not match what you're seeing in the window.

As to losing the project hierarchy, I'm seeing the content (right-hand) pane in my prints match what appears in the window, but it's not including the sidebari in the print, if that's what you mean; that's by design, though. (Since you can't add new projects/contexts, or add actions to them, on paper, we use that room for more info about your actions.)

If you're still having trouble here, it might help to use the "Save as PDF" button in the print panel, and send the resulting file to the support ninjas so we can try to help. Picture, thousand words, all that. :-)

Thanks for the reply, but i have not explained what i'm after well.

In planning mode i setup a project with multiple actions, each action having multiple sub-actions, each one of those having sub-sub actions ....
I now have a hierarchal structure of tasks within a project. the structure, indentation and context being important to me. It looks great on screen. I need what i see on screen printed out and in pdf without actions being truncated or in huge font sizes.

* * * STOP P p p * * *

I've left the above blurb above to let you know my thinking, but on re-trying your page scaling trick (Page setup %) i notice OF cleverly gets more info on the page without leaving half the printed sheet blank in pdf preview. So i can now get some control of that font size in Planning mode. Great.
This leaves me with the issue of truncated actions where they wordwrap, any workaround for that ? On screen it also shows the first line of text, but after the wrap it disappears. Any setting for changing this ? Expand all Rows does not seem to apply to word wrapped actions. Nor does Print Setup, expand rows/show all notes affect my truncated actions. sniff. Sorry for being unclear at the start.

Solve this and you can count me happy !

~ J

Last edited by jeyell; 2009-01-28 at 05:41 PM..

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