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Multiple canvas in one template file Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I'm trying to create a template that contains a bunch of canvas. The one that serves as an example is the brilliant template from Konigi.

To create a new model, I choose File > New > New template and I begin to play with the different canvas and stuff.

However, everytime I save the file, the program creates as many files as there are canvas in the template, and worst, actually duplicates the folder if I already save the template.

I really don't get it. How can I make Omnigraffle save all the canvas for ONE template in only one file, that can serve then as a template?

Thanks a lot!
I don't get it. Why is that behaviour "brilliant" ?!?!?
No one has the answer?

By the way, DerekAsirvadem, I've never said this behaviour was brilliant :-)
djaiss, we browse the forums as we're able to do so, but during times when we get busy, we may not be on the forums as much. We're hiring right now, which means several of us are spending a lot of time in hiring panels; it's been eating up my forum-time for the last couple of weeks...

That said, if you email our support ninjas, you are always guaranteed a response, from the folks that are most knowledgeable about the product in question, and almost always by the end of the next business day.

What version of OmniGraffle are you using? I tried the following in OmniGraffle Pro 5.2.3, and I was able to save a new template as a single file:
  1. Launch the app
  2. Select File -> New Resource -> New Template... from the menu bar.
  3. Add two more canvases to the new document, for a total of 3 in the template.
  4. Select File -> Save, and save the file to my desktop as "New.gtemplate".

When I did the above, I didn't get multiple documents, or a new folder. Can you include steps here or in an email to the ninjas on what actions you're taking when you get the multiple templates? That'll help us figure out what's going on here...

Last edited by Brian; 2010-10-28 at 04:03 PM.. Reason: clarify first paragraph
Originally Posted by djaiss View Post

I'm trying to create a template that contains a bunch of canvas. The one that serves as an example is the brilliant template from Konigi.
Then you go on to describe some really un-brilliant stuff that it does.

Last edited by DerekAsirvadem; 2010-10-30 at 02:52 AM..
DerekAsirvadem, what djaiss is saying is that the template from Konigi is brilliant. Then he says that the behaviour in OmniGraffle when he tries to create a template himself is weird. Two different things.

And I do agree, the template from Konigi is brilliant.
I do not wish to demean the rather substantial effort that was put into the template. However, it is for non-technical people. There are technical approaches that organise documents better, with less information on each page, etc. One of the results of all that info on each page is, people who use it and expand or it, and create quite large and intense messes. As in, they take the very busy examples in the template, and extend them. That will break any program or publication requirement, and at some point, it appears (I don't do that, so I have not this problem, but I have fielded a few questions about it) OmniGraffle breaks down.

But as per the resolutions, actually it is the template that breaks, not OG.

Better still to organise your docs, so that there is a clearly defined structure (website) that can be followed, and a reasonable amount of info on each page (both the document, the design, and the website). For wireframes, use one of the existing standards. Use Konigi as a guideline, not the final design, and don't go overboard.

Last edited by DerekAsirvadem; 2010-11-08 at 02:53 PM..
Brian, I was using the version 5.2.1. I've updated the software and it works now like a charm. Thanks a lot for your kind help! It was very efficient.

DerekAsirvadem, thanks for your comment. It's definitely helpful as I begin to dive in into the software, and I'm far from being aware of the best practices regarding Omnigraffle. I'll definitely look for building a new template, starting from scratch but strongly inspired by the Konigi Template.

Thanks all.

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