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Moving Projects within Folders Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
When I try to move a project that is within a folder, I get some strange behavior. If I try to move it up, it moves it to the bottom. If I try to move it down, it moves it almost to the bottom of the list. This happens using either the keyboard shortcuts or Structure/Move commands.

Anyone else experiencing this problem?

Tony Stinson
Yup, seeing the same behavior. Just got it today and everything makes sense to me except the ordering of projects in all displays as I haven't discovered any logic to it and am frustrated by the apparent lack of control. Otherwise I am totally groOFin' on it!

Product: OmniFocus
Date: 2007-05-23 01:09:27 -0700
Builder: omnibuild
Revision: 87311
If you show All Projects, does that cure the funkiness? (I think it did for me - hope that helps.)
Originally Posted by Craig
If you show All Projects, does that cure the funkiness? (I think it did for me - hope that helps.)
After playing with the filter ribbon options for awhile, the funkiness has submerged--I cannot say what magic sunk it. Thanks!

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