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How to export to iDisk? [A: Share button beneath file in document picker.] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I was messing around with the idisk synching function and wanted to see how saves were handled. I loaded a file that I was working on on my mac to idisk, then loaded it to the ipad. Made a small change then got out of ooo for ipad and the change never happened on the cloud.

I then did some digging for a manual push to the cloud but could not find one.

Did I miss it? Any help?
Happy to help! Exit the document then tap the "Share" button (looks like a rectangle with a curved arrow rising out of it) underneath the document in the picker. Tap "Export" in the menu that appears, then "Export to iDisk".
There it was! Thanks Brian. Could it be done with less clicks?

Currently most App are looking for ways to sync. I really like how iThoughtHD handles it. Although they are basically doing the same thing, asking user to manually sync with the cloud. But they have a file manager that show which files is out of sync, and allow you to sync. It will remind user which files needs to be sync (although they are still not automatically). This is much better than just giving user one share button at the bottom. (Of course, if OO can automatically sync, it will be even better, but sometimes giving us a quick solution is better than waiting for months to get a full fledge solution and losing customer.. look at Things.. i am giving up on them for the year long wait)

Some great things about iThoughtHD method
1) it remembers where the file is placed in the cloud .. no need to user to log into iDisk and search for the file and replace it.. (it knows which to replace).

2) A list of all the file that is out of sync, and one button sync all

P.S. To be fair to OO, even Apple own app (i.e. Keynote, Pages, and Numbers) handles syncing really bad considering I am using all Apple product (i.e. iDisk with all their apps)

Last edited by calbear; 2011-05-12 at 07:08 PM..

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