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Tasks stay in inbox even if assigned a project Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Please forgive me if this has been asked and answered before.

I use all three versions of OmniFocus. My workflow is to braindump everything into the inbox, then go back and clean up the items by assigning them to projects and contexts. I do this by dragging the items from the inbox into projects with the desktop application. The tasks leave my inbox and are now nicely organized into projects.

This is not possible with either of the mobile versions of the application. If I assign a project to a task, the task stays in the inbox. Not exactly expected behavior. Even if I create the task and assign a project to it during the creation of the task, the task goes directly to the inbox, and does not show up in the project.

Can someone tell me what (probably obvious) thing I am missing?
On the Mac, you can set the project for an action in the inbox without dragging it to a project.
There's a preference in OmniFocus for Mac labelled "Clean Up Inbox items which have:". This is the preference that controls when OmniFocus will move actions out of the inbox on your behalf. This setting is synced to all your devices.
I think you probably have it set to 'Both a Project and a Context'. It sounds like you're not really using contexts, so you probably want to change this setting to 'A Project' and then sync all your devices.

Does that help?
Thank you, that seems to have fixed things for the desktop app. This was the most important thing for me. Not sure what to do about the mobile apps. Mostly I use them to manage tasks and check them off. intention was that setting it on the Mac, that setting would get synced over to the mobile apps, and they would start to clean up inbox items that only have projects also.
I have the same problem. I think it's a rather serious one, since also affects sync times and status of actions/projects.

When on the iPad, I go to Inbox and change actions to Projects, and delete some actions. When I sync Mac/iPad/iPhone, the Inbox fills up again, but the actions are no longer projects, but actions within actions (have never seen this before). The deleted actions re-appear as non-deleted.

I have never experienced any sync problems whatsoever with OF, and I have used OF since iPhone beta.

My workflow worked fine before Lion... Could it be a problem with the new "applications never close"-policy, so that the Desktop-document thinks it's the latest changes that has been done?

Could you please take a look at this, since this is really affecting my reliance on your excellent software.

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