Okay, so, if we're not going to support multiple contexts, what should people used to those kinds of systems do while working with OmniFocus? The following examples are far from comprehensive, but they cover some of the most common use cases we've seen presented.
While I'm at the office, I need to ask my boss a question. It's a high priority task. I need three tags to capture that.
Create an "Office" context, and put the context for your boss inside that one. Tasks that only your boss can help with go in their context. Tasks that anyone in the office can help with go in that one. (Plus, you can assign a location to the Office context and use the Map view in the iOS apps!)
The highest priority tasks get flagged; everything that's high-but-not-highest priority gets moved to the top of the project, so they're first to get knocked off once the must-do actions are done. Everything else gets reviewed and re-prioritized during your next review.
I need to buy something. I might get it online, or order it over the phone, or buy it at a store in my neighborhood.
This is a case where breaking the action up has real benefits. You'll often save money by breaking this up into at least four steps. You'll generally want three "research <option>" steps, and one "purchase the best option" step. Skipping any of those steps risks paying more than you should, or not buying the best item.
Of course, sometimes there really are multiple options where you could get the same item with little to no difference in price. (Say, an AppleTV or other unmodified product from them.) In that case, just pick whichever applicable context you look at most frequently. In the majority of cases, that'll get the action done soonest, and you'll save time overall.
I need to ask Anna or Bob a question. Either of them could answer it. I might call them, or email them. I need four tags.
Make contexts for Anna and Bob. Assign the action to whomever you're in touch with most often, and decide when you capture the action whether you'll call or email them. Put that info in the action title, so future-you doesn't have to think about it.
I need to show Cindy a new machine that's in a particular location. If I'm not in that place, or if Cindy's not there, I can't do it.
Assign the action to the context for the location. Put Cindy's name in the title. Check the context for that location when you're there; if Cindy's there, do the action. In the meantime, if you're meeting with Cindy at some other location, you're not distracted by an action you can't do.
Last edited by Brian; 2013-02-08 at 03:36 PM..
Reason: add third and fourth items.