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Export outline w/o Notes Column Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've tried various of Rob's scripts (all excellent, BTW) but cannot see how to export a document to OMPL without the notes included.

I"m trying to get to a plain text document suitable for Markdown. Works great but for the notes I don't want to see.

Which script are you using? I'm not aware of any by Rob that do OO->OPML except as a step between OF and OPML. Not sure why he would write one, given that OO has built-in OPML export...

As a quick and dirty hack, the following bit of Applescript will remove all the notes from the front document:

tell application "OmniOutliner Professional"
	tell front document
		repeat with myRow in rows
			set note of myRow to missing value
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell
Be sure you run it on a duplicate copy!

(If you've got the non-Pro ("OmniOutliner Amateur"? :-)) version, just remove " Professional" from the "tell application" line)

As another idea, on the OmniOutliner Extras page, there's an export plug-in that goes to Markdown, if you've got the Pro version.
Sorry, I mixed up two thoughts.

1. I can export to OPML with OO's built-in function. It always exports notes.

2. I tried Rob's scripts (Filter Parameters, Filter Copy, Filter Row by Column Value) to see if I could filter the Notes Column. Seems like it should work but I'm not programmer enough to see how.

Finally, thanks for the script to null the note field. I can make that work. I was seeking a nondestructive method but this is just fine.

Thanks again,
Ah, not a problem. If you're interested in using Rob's Filter scripts, it should be a 1-line change to make them not include the notes.

Somewhere in the middle of the script, you'll find a few lines that look like this:
		duplicate refRows to the end of the children of docFiltered
		set expanded of rows of docFiltered to false
Just add a line following that:

set note of rows of docFiltered to missing value
and save the script with a suitable name. A bit like drawing a moustache on the Mona Lisa, to be sure :-)
Thanks. Just what I wanted.

Like the industrialist whose factory stopped working. Hired a handyman who said he could fix anything. The man walked to one of the machines, hit it with a hammer and the whole factory started up. He handed the industrialist a invoice for $1 million.

"But you only hit it with a hammer!"

"Yeah. That's $1 for hitting it with the hammer and $999,999 for knowing where to hit."

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