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Applescript help Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I have a series of questions regarding applescript for omnigraffle professional 5.

Let me start by this:
Let's say I have 10canvases in my document, and I want my script to append/insert a new canvas after the fourth canvas.
I'd imagine it'll be something like this
tell the first document
		set myCanvas to (make new canvas at fourth canvas)
end tell
However this script overwrite my fourth canvas instead of inserting a new canvas.

One approach might be:

tell application id "OGfl"
	tell front document
		set myCanvas to (make new canvas with properties {name:"New blank sheet"})
		move myCanvas to after canvas 4
	end tell
end tell
Hi RobTrew,
Thanks for the answer. It worked.

I think the following is my final question before I get this script working fully..
Let's say again, I have 10 canvases, and I have a loop like this
tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5"
	set theCanvases to every canvas of the first document
        set myCanvas to fourth canvas of the first document
        set numCanvas to 0 
        set maxItemsPerCanvas to 3
	tell the first document
		repeat with theCanvas in theCanvases
                   tell myCanvas
                      --@CODE TO DRAW SOMETHING
                   end tell
                   set numCanvas to numCanvas + 1
                   if numCanvas > maxItemsPerCanvas then
			set myCanvas to canvas after myCanvas --@HERE
			set maxItemsPerCanvas to maxItemsPerCanvas + maxItemsPerCanvas
		   end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell
@HERE : I wanted to set myCanvas to the next Canvas in the document after myCanvas. But this code doesn't work. It is essentially "set myCanvas to fifth canvas" but I want to do this without hardcoding it.
May be easier, if you want to loop through the last N canvases, to loop with an index range.

tell application id "OGfl"
	set oWin to front window
	tell front document
		set lngCanvas to count of canvases
		repeat with i from 4 to lngCanvas
			set oCanvas to canvas i
			set canvas of oWin to oCanvas
		end repeat
		set canvas of oWin to canvas 5
	end tell
end tell

Last edited by RobTrew; 2012-09-04 at 09:07 AM..

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