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Please provide Traditonal Chinese language translation Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

Thank you omnigroup for developing such a suite of products for mac fans.

But I am very disappointed to find, when I download and installed lated version of OmniOutliner 3.7 (v143.33), Chinese Simplified translation is selected whenever I switch to Chinese Tradition laguage setting.

Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional are two different language group,
showing Chinese Simplified translation to Chinese Traditional users is totally unuable, Please Translated it or use English where Chinese Traditional is selected.

I was preparing to pay for the license, but with this bug, I am hesitated to purchase from omnigroup.

Hopefully you can correct this error.

When your OS X language setting isn't an available localization, it will go down the language list until it finds one it has. If you would like to use English instead, make sure English is listed under Traditional Chinese. It sounds like Simplified Chinese is above English in your language settings.
showing Chinese Simplified translation to Chinese Traditional users is totally unusable
Well, I suppose exaggeration can be hard to resist, but this does sound just a little precious ...

I was brought up to read, write and prefer traditional characters too, but I have no difficulty whatsoever in reading simplified characters. In fact they are visually cleaner and have a certain elegance. The difference is not enormous.

In any case there seems to be a technical misapprehension here.
And they are certainly not two different language groups!

Last edited by xiamenese; 2008-10-15 at 06:14 AM.. Reason: typographic error!

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