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Export browser window too large Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
When I try to export a file in OG5 pro, the browser window is too large, so the newfolder, cancel and save button are hidden behind the dock. see img.
This is on a mbp. Am I the only one that think that's annoying? ( or am I perhaps missing something?)
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	export.jpg
Views:	1085
Size:	11.7 KB
ID:	728  
Nobody with the same problem? How do you press the cancel or save buttons??
Originally Posted by oblomow View Post
Nobody with the same problem? How do you press the cancel or save buttons??
Some temporary workarounds:

Collapsing the toolbar by clicking the grey oval at the top right hand corner should get your buttons above the dock.

Turn on dock hiding, or move the dock to one of the sides.

I think cmd-S (save) and cmd-. (cancel) ought to work as well, but can't boot Leopard at the moment to test it.
Another workaround is <tab><tab><space>, but I still think it's weird.
Resize the sheet (you'll have to get access to the bottom right using one of whpalmer4's suggestions first) and it should stay that way when you call it up again. If not, it sounds like you have a corrupted preference file for OmniGraffle somewhere.
Nope. no success. Whpalmer4's suggestions works. I can also close the directory browser in the export window (by pressing the triangle button behind the export filename).

How do check whether I have a corrupt preferences file?
Mmm, no response from any Omni employee? Does this mean I'm doing something wrong? Reset my preferences? Or is it indeed a real bug?

help me oh, omnipotent wizards.
They're probably just too busy to respond - to reset your preferences, close OmniGraffle then temporarily move the com.omnigroup.OmniGraffle.plist file out of the ~/Library/Preferences folder and restart OmniGraffle. See if that solves your problem.
Hurray. I owe you a beer. Thanks.
it was com.omnigroup.OmniGrafflePro.plist for those experiencing similar problems.
Any chance you used OG on a display with a taller screen at one point?

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