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Extra floating text line (in Pro 3.7.1) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have already sent in an e-mail.

I'm using OmniOutliner Pro 3.7.1 and there's a short line of text
floating in front of my outline. I say floating because it doesn't
line up with the other text in the outline, obscures whatever is
behind it, and doesn't seem to be connected to any particular part of
the document--I can hoist any section and it will still be there in
the middle of the page. I can delete the text in it but I can't make
it go away. Is this a bug?
A picture would be quite, well, illustrative :-)

This extra text line persists with a new document, new invocation of OO?
Seems to be in just one particular document.

I'll try to get a screen grab.

Edit: I quit the program, relaunched it, and reopened the document. The problem seems to be gone. But I'm still curious about what would cause this.

Last edited by DSB; 2008-11-12 at 11:51 AM..
Imagine the little slip of paper from a fortune cookie pasted to the middle of the page, horizontally but not lined up with anything. And you can select and edit the text of the fortune but if you delete it, the little white strip is still there. That's what it looked like.

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