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Is there an elegant way to generate a report of all items - by project, for example - between two selected dates? It would be great if I could do this at the end of the month as a record of what has been done this month and what is left to do for selected projects. Then, I would like to be able to export it as an RTF, at least. Can this currently be done? Thanks very much, Keith.
Originally Posted by KeithFK View Post
Is there an elegant way to generate a report of all items - by project, for example - between two selected dates? It would be great if I could do this at the end of the month as a record of what has been done this month and what is left to do for selected projects. Then, I would like to be able to export it as an RTF, at least. Can this currently be done? Thanks very much, Keith.
I've done this internally for myself using AppleScript. The script essentially read through all the projects, sub-projects, and items and spits out an HTML report of the projects.

The script is highly customized to my setup, though I have thought about the idea of generalizing it.
Thanks very much, Mike. I've never written Apple Scripts - do you have any suggestions about a good way to get started with that? Thanks again, Keith.
Essentially you will want to loop through Folders (if you use them) and their Projects. In my case I manually set
to the Folder I am interested in reporting (this is constant, it is a top level folder that represents my work as that's what I use the script for .. I don't report on my personal projects). The variable
is set earlier in the script based on "now".

    tell front document of application "OmniFocus"
        set subFolders to every folder of theFolder
        set folderProjects to every project of theFolder whose (singleton action holder is false) and (status is not dropped) and (status is not on hold) and ((status is not done) or (status is done and completion date > my previousOneWeeks))
        set folderHoldProjects to every project of theFolder whose (status is on hold)
            set individualTasks to every task of theFolder
        on error
            set individualTasks to {}
        end try
    end tell
-- at this point subFolders is a list of subFolders that need processing
-- folderProjects is top-level projects in my desired reporting folder that need to be reported on
-- folderHoldProjects is projects in-scope but on hold (I report those with different formatting)
-- individualTasks is either empty or a list of "loose" tasks
-- write some static HTML like beginning a HTML table
repeat with i from 1 to (count of folderProjects)
            processProject(item i of folderProjects)
        end repeat
Note: the code above won't run and won't even compile ... it's just some snips from my script that are how I got started.

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