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Trying to create a "Recently completed" perspective Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

to help me fill out the timesheet required by my employer I tried to set up a perspective showing me all completed actions sorted and grouped by time, such that I could get a quick overview over all actions I have completed today, yesterday, etc...

To do this I have set the following sessings:
* Grouping: Changed
* Sorting: Changed
* Status Filter: Completed

However, the actions that are showing are very random. Lots of recently closed actions are missing, while actions completed long ago show up under todays group. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

Can't you sort by completed?
Here's what I've got for my "Completed" perspective:

Click image for larger version

Name:	Picture 1.jpg
Views:	2010
Size:	4.2 KB
ID:	887

Originally Posted by stemps23 View Post

to help me fill out the timesheet required by my employer I tried to set up a perspective showing me all completed actions sorted and grouped by time, such that I could get a quick overview over all actions I have completed today, yesterday, etc...

To do this I have set the following sessings:
* Grouping: Changed
* Sorting: Changed
* Status Filter: Completed

However, the actions that are showing are very random. Lots of recently closed actions are missing, while actions completed long ago show up under todays group. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
As suggested, you'll probably want to use the "completed" sort key rather than "changed" because you can still change something after marking it completed. For example, you might want to add an additional note to some project later, and doing so will change the "changed" date to the present, causing it to show up in your perspective again. Or you might change something (intentionally or accidentally) without actually completing it, and you probably wouldn't want that showing up in your reports either, as I suspect you are only interested in things that have changed from incomplete to complete.

thanks for the tips... this makes sense... I wasn't aware that "completed' is a timestamp, I though it would only be a flag.

However I just tried it and again the data shown still seems to be wrong. I have lots of ancient long completed actions showing up as completed recently while the tasks I did complete today don't show. Weird. I'm getting the impression that something screws up the timestamps of my actions. I'll deactivate my periodic actionscript that synchronizes ICal with Omnifocus for a while and see whether this help.

Thanks for the quick answers though!
Originally Posted by stemps23 View Post

thanks for the tips... this makes sense... I wasn't aware that "completed' is a timestamp, I though it would only be a flag.
Well, it is a flag in the sense that if it isn't marked completed, it won't show up in a "group by completed" view, but if it is marked completed, then it is grouped by the date/time of completion. If you look in the inspector, you'll see the completed, added, and changed timestamps for everything in your database (except folders, which don't seem to have them). All the other "group by" choices (except "flagged", which operates similarly to "completed") will show everything in the active selection.


However I just tried it and again the data shown still seems to be wrong. I have lots of ancient long completed actions showing up as completed recently while the tasks I did complete today don't show. Weird. I'm getting the impression that something screws up the timestamps of my actions. I'll deactivate my periodic actionscript that synchronizes ICal with Omnifocus for a while and see whether this help.
Pull up one of those unexpected long-completed actions in the inspector, and see what is in the "completed" date/time field. My guess is that OmniFocus is correctly showing the results based on data which is wrong. Unfortunately, if the iCal synchronization (or something else) has polluted your database with incorrect completion dates, that's a tedious thing to clean up.
Great tips for me!
Hi again,

I have found out where my misunderstanding lies. I was looking for a perspective that shows completed actions sorted and grouped by completion date. I tried the suggested settings but they seem to show projects grouped by completion date.

Is there a way to do this sorting, grouping and filtering on action level rather than on project level?

Yep, same settings, just do it in context mode...
Fantastic!!! Finally :-)

Thanks a lot!

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