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Summary of tasks for today? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I can't figure out a way of getting a simple summary of what is due today. I know about grouping by due date, but I really want a single list of what is on my plate for today.

If there is an API (or perchance an AppleScript dictionary?) that would let me get to this information I would be happy to look into writing my own thing.


What's wrong with a saved perspective that groups by due date and closes all but the "Due Today" group? Sure, you can build an Applescript that will spit out a list of just the things due today, but that will take some doing (as evidenced by the fact that you are asking about it instead of already doing it), and your list will be elsewhere, so you'll have to go back to OF to check the things off as you do them.
You might also want to try the "Due or Flagged" setting in the context view.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
What's wrong with a saved perspective that groups by due date and closes all but the "Due Today" group? Sure, you can build an Applescript that will spit out a list of just the things due today, but that will take some doing (as evidenced by the fact that you are asking about it instead of already doing it), and your list will be elsewhere, so you'll have to go back to OF to check the things off as you do them.
Well, I could, but that wouldn't give me what I want. Strictly speaking I should have said that I want to get the things that are due today or earlier - I can't seem to see a grouping that will do that. Instead, it shows groups due within the last year, the last 3 months, the last week, yesterday, today and so on. I want to get a view that shows me everything due by today in one collection.

BTW, I didn't say I wasn't trying to do it already, but I subscribe to the view that if you don't completely understand how to do something it is worth asking people who might. Since there is no AppleScript documentation for OmniFocus apart from the Dictionary, this seemed like the place to do it.


Have you tried filtering for Due Soon actions without grouping? In Preferences, you can dial the Due Soon time frame down to 24 hours. With that setting, I think the Due Soon filter would show what you want.

[Update: just realized the Due Soon filter shows all Due Soon actions, not just the available ones. So depending on how much you use sequential projects, this may not be what you want.]

(Also, consider using Use Help --> Send Feedback to submit a request for "smart groups" that can filter on arbitrary criteria like "Due Date before tomorrow".)


Last edited by curt.clifton; 2009-04-04 at 09:14 AM.. Reason: Clarification, correction
Alternatively, you could just show available actions in context view, ungrouped, sort by due date, and just keep working until you don't see red.

I have to say if you have things that are extending into the three months overdue group, though: I've had a lot of success grouping by due date and then setting a goal of clearing out all the stuff that is, say, in the two oldest groups during a particular workday.
I sometimes take the opposite tack; I'll try to keep on top of the newly due stuff, and figure that the stuff due a few groupings ago probably isn't going to be appreciably worse if it goes another day. Something in the "Due more than a year ago" group may not really have deserved a due date!
I'm still a bit confused. ianpiper wanted to know how to find what is due today. That makes sense to me, if I have used the inspector to flag actions and assign a date, I want to know what I need to complete today. I used Ian's (useful) reset of "due soon" in preferences to 24 hours. But I don't see anything at all. Just before I did that, I went through (weekly review) and set five tasks for today. So either it set them for, e.g. noon today and now it is 12:05 so they are technically "past due" and not "due soon." Or something else is wrong. Can anyone help me figure out why nothing is showing up?
Either way, it seems like finding a list of things one needs to due today should be fairly straightforward. It is in general GTD philosophy.
Sorry, Curt's suggestion.
Originally Posted by LewF View Post
I'm still a bit confused. ianpiper wanted to know how to find what is due today. That makes sense to me, if I have used the inspector to flag actions and assign a date, I want to know what I need to complete today. I used Ian's (useful) reset of "due soon" in preferences to 24 hours. But I don't see anything at all. Just before I did that, I went through (weekly review) and set five tasks for today. So either it set them for, e.g. noon today and now it is 12:05 so they are technically "past due" and not "due soon." Or something else is wrong. Can anyone help me figure out why nothing is showing up?
I would guess that you are limiting your context view by either duration or flag state, which could exclude tasks that are marked as being due today from view. I would choose revert to default view from the perspectives menu to start and then change the view filters to what you want them to be.

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