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Compass in iPhone - new features in OmniFocus? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I was hoping the compass / GPS / "location awareness" @location (context) would work with the new OS..

Is there a problem with that too?

Can any of the new 'hooks' or API's Apple has offered in the new iPhone OS be of use to Omnifocus?

Lets say an OF user has OF "always on" - (as a default)

Can OF then 'hook" into any of the iPhones GPS functionality?

And push (or display) a notification - "Hey! You are near the post office - pick up stamps!"

Last edited by Casper TFG; 2009-06-09 at 09:23 AM..
Casper, I moved your post into a new thread, because it's kind of a different topic than the original thread.

I haven't seen anything about the iPhone OS 3 adding the ability for OmniFocus to run in the background, so we could only do something like this when OmniFocus was already running. Given that constraint, most folks seem to be pretty happy with the "hit a button and show me what I can do" approach the app currently uses. (Of course, if we get a bunch of demand for something that auto-scans for your location, we'd consider it. As always, email the support ninjas to vote for that if you'd like to see it.)

We are planning some location-based changes once iPhone OS 3 is released, though - you no longer need to bounce out to the map application to show where an action is; you'll be able to get a map right inside of OmniFocus.
is the update going be released on the same day as 3.0? and is there anything else you can talk about that will be feature/etc in the next update of OF on the iphone?
I think it is impossible for OmniGroup (or anyone else, unless Apple is working directly with them and giving them special treatment) to know when any update to any app is released as that relies entirely on the whims of the Apple approval process of the store. The best they can do is guesstimate it.
OmniFocus for iPhone v1.5 is beginning to appear on the App Store for people. (It appears that not every app store server gets updated at the same time; over the next 24 hours or so, it should show up for everyone, though.)
Yup already have it thanks!

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