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Completed projects' un-checked items cause bad folder "remaining" count [BUG: Fixing] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Underneath each entry in the list of projects (or folders) is a count of the number of tasks remaining (presumably). However, this number is wildly incorrect on my iPhone. An entry states that 27 are remaining, when in fact there are only 18 tasks to complete. I have "Remaining" tasks set to be shown in Projects view, so there should be nothing hidden.

My only hesitation about using OF (on the mac and otherwise) is that I get the nagging fear that things I put into the system will get lost. This bug (?) only fuels that fear.
How many projects are associated with those actions? If a project has a due date attached, and contains 3 actions, you'll see a count of 4 - one for each action, and one for the project itself.

If that doesn't explain what you're seeing, contact the support ninjas and we'll be happy to investigate this with you.
I dont think that explains it. Here is a simpler example: I have a folder ("Teaching") that contains a single project (associated with a course I teach), and that project has a single non-completed action. Yet, the Teaching folder says "4 remaining", while the project correctly reports "1 remaining".
That doesn't sound like any known bugs I can find in the development database, but based on your description, it doesn't sound like correct behavior, either.

Please contact the support ninjas so we can have a look at your database and figure out what's going on here. Thanks!
Just a thought, but when you select your Teaching folder it should have 'All Actions' at the top and then your teaching project. How many actions are displayed if you select 'All Actions'?
Originally Posted by Greg Jones View Post
Just a thought, but when you select your Teaching folder it should have 'All Actions' at the top and then your teaching project. How many actions are displayed if you select 'All Actions'?
Just one.
That is curious. I thought perhaps there were some other actions that somehow were being included in the Teaching folder.
Big thanks to hardcoreUFO for sending in his data!

There's a bug in the iPhone application where uncompleted actions from completed projects are still being counted. That's where his extra items are coming from.

For the time being, the workaround is to check those items off, but we've filed this as a bug in the development database, scheduled for the 1.5.3 release.

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