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OmniFocus and mindmapping Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have somewhat of a newbie to this whole process, so I'll ask here. Is there a software package that really integrates well with Omnifocus for mindmapping? I've looked at the standard ones (Mindjet, Curio, Novamind, etc.), and while they all seem usable, none of them offer an obvious way to tie in to next actions in Omnifocus.

No there isn't

However, the best solution I've found for Mindmaping in general is FreeMind - considering it's free it's pretty awesome

ALSO is a free site (up to 3 mindmaps free) and can import / export stuff you make in FreeMind - great for when you're collaborating on mindmaps for projects / brainstorming with others

I'm currently in the middle of working out how to use Mindmapping in conjunction with GTD to actually get stuff sorted. I find that Omnifocus doesn't let me think far enough ahead and mindmapping is much better for that, to discover goals and think freely about the future - something that Omnifocus doesn't do that well in my opinion
I use MindManager. It can link to some OF objects, but not all of them. (I think you can link to those that show up in Spotlight, but not the others?)

I find mindmapping useful for getting an overview of areas of focus and the like, but not so much in the day-to-day, task-by-task GTD process.

There's a two-page article about mindmapping and GTD in the second issue of Productive Magazine (a pdf can be downloaded for free here) which might interest you. Didn't have too many practical tips, though.
Exactly. I don't use Mindmapping for day to day but it's great for what you just said. It's also nice to step out of a list environment and into something more free form, so you can then find some projects and actions worth putting into OF!

However, if OF is going to be more than GTD 'runway' level it's gonna have to figure out how to make that easier for us to think bigger. I'm really glad I have OF and the whole GTD thing down well enough to hardly ever have clutter getting in the way of the bigger picture. Thing is, the big picture isn't actually 'in' Omnifocus, it's elsewhere - OF has become a way of clearing runway so I can focus on bigger things...

...but OF doesn't hold the bigger things and I'm not sure where to put them, or how I would use OF to deal with them.

Hmmm. New thread perhaps. I'm sure this must have come up before.
I just posted some information on using MindManager to export a map and import that to OmniFocus here.
Am I a fanboy if I like to use Graffle for all my mapping?
@DamonC: Cool! Thanks.

@tingham: Hard to say ;) Why do you prefer Graffle to MindManager for mapping?
Should you be trying to do this, which I have, the cheapest way seems to be an export to MindNote Lite on Mac, then export as an OPML file into Omni. OPML export doesn't seem to be working yet on mindmeister.
FWIW, Goalscape offers an alternative way to plan the big picture. Think of it as a mind map built in a segmented-wheel configuration. I've had success in linking text in the note fields of Goalscape segments to OF folders, projects, action groups, and actions. It is a one-way interaction to be sure, and I find it a workable if somewhat clumsy implementation.


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