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Clipping from Mail Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
When a Mail message is used to create an OF task, should I be able to get directly from the task back to that particular message, or to initiate a reply directly from the OF task?
The task in OF will have the text of the original message (or the portion you had selected) in its note field. There will also be a link back to the message in the note field. Click the note icon next to the task to reveal the note (or use Cmd-' if you're a keyboard type).



One caveat -- you must be running Leopard or Snow Leopard to get the link. It doesn't work in Tiger.
Thanks for the messages! I am running Snow Leopard and OF 1.7.4. When I try to use the clipping service I get an error message but when I close it the clipping appears to have worked - except, there is no link back to the original message. I went to the "start here" thread, but I haven't been able to get it to work properly. Do you have any further ideas? Thanks very much!!

Last edited by KeithFK; 2009-10-19 at 07:29 PM..
I'm guessing you mean OF 1.7.4?

I'm still on Leopard, so I can't offer much help. It sounds like the clipping service is partially working, but failing before it sets up the link. I suggest you contact the support ninjas, Help → Send Feedback.




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