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First time syncing existing Iphone with New mac Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I've been using Omnifocus for the past month on my iPhone. I currently use sync to mobile me to backup omnifocus. I've been a windows user, and am now changing to a Mac Pro so will be purchasing the Mac version of Omnifocus.

I'm rather concerned that the first time I do a sync, it will delete all the omnifocus data on my iphone and leave just the demo actions that come with Omnifocus, which of course will be the only items on my mac.

How can I make sure this won't happen?

Excellent product, and one of the reasons I'm buying a Mac :)

Yours - Antony
OmniFocus checks to make sure that the databases appear to be compatible (in other words, have a common history of changes) whenever it does a sync. It will fail that test when you first try to sync the Mac, and ask you if you want to replace your database and start syncing. If you agree, it will back up your local database before doing so to protect you against accidental loss of any data you might have entered (though you'll have to go through and manually recover that data, so I would suggest not making any changes you want to keep in OmniFocus on the Mac before you do the first sync).

For extra peace of mind, after you get the Mac set up and have configured it with your MobileMe information, but before you configure OmniFocus to sync, you can make a duplicate copy of the Documents/OmniFocus.ofocus file on your MobileMe volume. That's the place where the central copy of the sync database is stored, so even if you manage to outwit all of the checks and destroy the server copy and the copy on your iPhone, you can still recover. Also, if you don't run the OmniFocus app on the iPhone until you see that the desktop is syncing properly and has all of the data, there's no chance of loss there either.

If you want even more peace of mind, wait until Monday and call up the Omni support ninjas (1-800-315-OMNI) and they can walk you through the process.
Thank's for your reply, I feel a lot more happy about my first Sync now:)

Yours - Antony

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