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Repeating an action every three calendar months Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I want to have an action repeat on the last day of every third month.

I have action due on February 28th 2010. The action takes place every three months, on the last day of the month; the following due date will be May 31, then August 31 and so on.

If I start from this February, the next due date becomes May 28 - which is wrong. It seems that the only way to get this repeating action working is to set it up to be due for a date in the past (August 31 2009), now a repeat every three months appears to land on the last day of the month!

That's messy and complex, I must be missing a better way?

Years ago I use Claris Organiser, aka Palm Desktop. I used to be able to set 'to do' items to reoccur "every three months on the last day of the month", or "every last Friday in a month" - software must have improved since then!


Sorry, OF doesn't support that sort of repeat specification at present. Your main options are either to enter a bunch of non-repeating events by hand, or put in a repeating event with a reminder note to adjust the date of the next one accordingly.

Use Help->Send Feedback or email to add your vote for richer repeat specification options.

OmniFocus probably has a few features that your old program didn't...

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