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Feature Request: Creation Date and Checkoff Date for Actions Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
It would be really helpful to have OmniFocus automatically populate a Creation Date and a Checkoff Date for Actions. Particularly if these dates could be optionally displayed in columns, and used as filter criteria for the 'View' functionality.

Let me explain what their utility would be to me (I suspect others would likely find them useful).

I work *very* independently. In order to keep my management abreast of what's going on, I periodically drop a status note indicating what I've been doing, what's come up, etc. I find that there's so much going on it's hard to remember it all. If I could simply construct a 'What got done this week' perspective filtered to all things checked off in the last week and a 'What's new this week' perspective filtered to all new actions added this last week it would make this activity a snap. It would probably also help many folks as part of their weekly review to be able to see what came in and went out for them over the last week.
It already does. You can view the creation and completion and even last changed dates in the inspector, show completion date in a column, and sort and/or group by any of those values.

Your what got added perspective might be context mode, all projects, group by added, sort by project, remaining actions. At the moment, you have to view completed actions separately in context mode, but Ken tells me that annoyance will go away in 1.8. Presumably you'll have also reported those completed actions in the other part of your status report, so it may not matter to you.

Last edited by whpalmer4; 2010-02-06 at 12:16 PM.. Reason: fix typo
Check out the different groupings that are available in context view - I think you'll find what you're looking for.

You'll find more detail in the forums. This question has been asked a couple of times previously.
:) Excellent :)

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