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Weekly review on iPhone? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've browsed and searched this forum and the "applying omnifocus" forum for suggestions on completing the weekly review in the iPhone app, but I can't seem to find any techniques or suggestions.

I use OF on the Mac primarily, but I'm planning a trip and I don't intend to bring my laptop, so OF iPhone will be my sole tool. I'm really hoping to take advantage of the 6 hour flight to get my lists under control, but without the weekly review "view," I'm having trouble figuring out how to go about it sanely.

I've got a LOT of projects and tasks to keep tabs on, and navigating the list will be a real chore (I think) without that handy view or some alternate method.

Does anyone have any advice on how they do this on the iPhone? Many thanks!!
I've done reviews on the iPhone. It worked, but note that there is no way to set mark the projects as reviewed. That information isn't exposed in the OF iPhone user interface.

Rather than try to review the projects due for review, I chose to do a complete sweep of all my projects. OF iPhone keeps your place in the hierarchy, so I didn't get lost. I used the quick entry button to dump new ideas into my inbox, then processed it to empty after the sweep.

(Full disclosure, this was on an iPad at 2x size. The additional real estate helped my tired eyes.)


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