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Any plans to get rid of inspectors and putting all options into main window?

Inspectors may be OK for huge screens but they take to much space and too many extra clicks on MacBooks.

As a result task management with OmniFocus takes more time and makes task management less efficient.
IMO, a small screen like that of my MacBook is exactly where inspectors make the most sense. If the information in a typical inspector view is always in view, I wouldn't be able to see as much context, or the display would be undesirably cluttered. The inspector approach allows me to spend that real estate only when I need it, and in a fashion that isn't constrained by the need to fit in a border to the normlal view.

That's not to say that the friction in the current implementation couldn't be reduced. A keyboard shortcut to change focus to/from the inspector is something often mentioned as a potential improvement.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
IMO, a small screen like that of my MacBook is exactly where inspectors make the most sense. If the information in a typical inspector view is always in view, I wouldn't be able to see as much context, or the display would be undesirably cluttered. The inspector approach allows me to spend that real estate only when I need it, and in a fashion that isn't constrained by the need to fit in a border to the normlal view.

That's not to say that the friction in the current implementation couldn't be reduced. A keyboard shortcut to change focus to/from the inspector is something often mentioned as a potential improvement.
First, to my experience people who tend to use todo managers are type of persons that prefer keyboard to mouse clicking because it is a huge time saver. And Mac has very poor navigation through menus and toolbars.

Second, Main Window does not necessarily means there should be dozens of buttons that always take space. It could be smart toolbars that call only relevant buttons or right-mouse menus.

Third, have you ever used Ribbon introduced by Microsoft and later by Mindjet and other companies? To me this seems to be the most effective and obvious interface to use programs functions. It has great keyboard support as well - you will never even need to use pointer. But even without Ribbon right-click menus are preferrable to inspectors. Menus don't occupy space you need for work.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
IMO, a small screen like that of my MacBook is exactly where inspectors make the most sense. If the information in a typical inspector view is always in view, I wouldn't be able to see as much context, or the display would be undesirably cluttered. The inspector approach allows me to spend that real estate only when I need it, and in a fashion that isn't constrained by the need to fit in a border to the normlal view.

Well-said. I couldn't agree more. The inspector provides a pretty good cost-to-benefit ratio and is far more flexible than other inline options (ribbons, dynamic toolbars, drawers, etc).

Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
Well-said. I couldn't agree more. The inspector provides a pretty good cost-to-benefit ratio and is far more flexible than other inline options (ribbons, dynamic toolbars, drawers, etc).

I would have agreed with this if I always had more than 1440 pixels wide and could easily work with inspectors using my keyboard.

1440 pixels is clearly not enough for my projects, tasks, start, due dates, flags, etc. provided there is always an inspector on the right. And I can not use inspector effectively with my keyboard.
I do think some of the functionality of the inspector should be available as toggles in the already existing (and thus already taking up space) toolbar. As it is, I leave the inspector open all the time so I can change projects to sequential/checklist, etc., and thus my main OF window is much narrower than it need be (on my mbp 13") -- so more text wrapping is occurring in the actual content, etc.

Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
Well-said. I couldn't agree more. The inspector provides a pretty good cost-to-benefit ratio and is far more flexible than other inline options (ribbons, dynamic toolbars, drawers, etc).

I agree, I have a large screen and am not a fan of the inspectors either. I like to have the window set at full screen which means that the inspectors are always floating above and I keep having to rearrange where they are located.
I also agree. I now find inspectors (in any app, not just Omnifocus) to be an awkward way of interacting with an app.

I'm really enjoying the folding style (not sure what else to call it) appearance that you see in apps like Reeder for Mac, or Lion Mail.

I can imagine invoking these views with a shortcut, jumping across into the panel with a shortcut, then shortcutting my way out of it. It would be up to me if I wish to keep the panel in view, or close it.

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