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Confused about Screencasts Online discount expiring! Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I recently downloaded and compared omnifocus with another competitor's app for task management for the ipad/phone/mac. Ran thru all the manuals, forums and tutorials for both. I decided to go with Omnifocus for the quality of their software, support options and what seemed to be their positive way of doing business.

I went to purchase the software from their product store, and during checkout entered the discount code that they advertise in their training video. It would not work so I sent an email to their sales department. After not hearing back from them, I called in to their sales department; still no return call. I then called tech support which informed me that the discount had expired and that they have no control over the training videos offer.

Not only am I disappointed in the lack of response/follow-up, but also that a company would not have control over advertisement clearly posted on their site. After hearing so many positive things about Omni, I was surprised to hear that they would not honor the discount and that were willing to turn away $140 worth a business over $10.

Hmmm maybe the experience was a presage
Not that this will make you feel better, but I believe the training videos were made by Don McAllister who regularly makes videos showing how to use various pieces of Mac software and puts them in a podcast (see So at the time the podcast was made (and OmniGroup probably paid him to do that one), they had a coupon code to go along with it. Anyone who would go back and watch his earlier podcasts would see coupon codes and they're not still valid. Maybe OmniGroup should indicate the coupon code is expired on their website, but it still doesn't prevent people from seeing the video on Don's site without that notice.

I'm surprised you didn't get a return email or phone call as OmniGroup has one of the best support staffs I've seen. The few times I've contacted them, they always got back to me within a business day or two and sometimes within hours. Perhaps their sales staff isn't that quick.

Honestly, if you think the software meets your needs, I wouldn't let not saving $10 on $140 prevent you from buying it. While their software is a little more pricey than some competitors, they do make high quality software and support it well (bugs are usually fixed promptly and a reasonable number of new features are added before the next paid update). You get what you pay for.
Thanks Dave for your reply.
I did suggest that it would not take much to edit the section of video that references the use of the coupon. By his reply it did not sound like I was the first to try and use it.

I think most of my disapointment stems from the lack of response. All the reviews that I have read raves about their post sales support; with other companies its usually the other way around.

I'm in agreement with you that you get what you pay for; in regards to the quality of their software, Omni is way ahead of their rivals.
I've never tried contacting sales and am surprised you didn't get a response, but I'm certain they have more people handling post-sales support than pre-sale questions. Yes, they could edit the video, but the original video is still on the screencastsonline site so people could get it there too. It's fairly common for there to be coupon codes in his screencasts and I doubt he edits them out after the offer expires.
The video does play directly from the ScreenCasts Online website, so they aren't really in a position to edit it.

If you do have a complaint about your interaction with Omni, send email to and tell them about it! This forum is an imperfect way to contact them, as they only read it on an as-time-permits basis, and there's no mechanism to make sure every post is read.
Thanks for the link
yeah, that video is REALLY old, if it's the original one McAllister did.

Stuff happens.

I am quite surprised at the lack of response from the staff. My experience is they're amongst the best in the industry at supporting customers.

And I'm loving OmniFocus, still.
acutshall1, I'm really sorry about this! Can you send me a private message and let me know what email address your messages were sent from?

I searched our customer service ticket system for mail from the same address your forum account is tied to, but I wasn't able to find any mail from that address. Maybe the messages were sent from a different one?
Thanks Brian; It was my gmail account and I received a reply from Tami yesterday evening.
I also have to apologize for my oversight; as Tami pointed out, there is a expiration disclamer below the code in the video. I guess I was excited with the discount that i did not read the information follwowing it.
I have purchased the desk and iphone version and I am very satisfied with the products. I am especailly pleased with the cloud sync that is in place.

Pass on my thanks to the omni team for the great products
Sorry for the confusion, but glad we got this sorted out. I'll pass the compliments along - appreciate them very much!

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