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Import .ics file to OF Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have a large .ics file with many tasks (>200). I would like to import this into OmniFocus as action in the Inbox.

I have been trying to figure this out for 2 hours.

I wanted to try .ics>.csv and the OmniOutliner, but I couldn't figure out how to get .ics into CSV.

Any suggestions?

Last edited by binkbok; 2011-01-23 at 01:47 AM..
Originally Posted by binkbok View Post
I have a large .ics file with many tasks (>200). I would like to import this into OmniFocus as action in the Inbox.

I have been trying to figure this out for 2 hours.

I wanted to try .ics>.csv and the OmniOutliner, but I couldn't figure out how to get .ics into CSV.

Any suggestions?
Import it into iCal (if it's actually tasks, not calendar appointments) and then sync that calendar with OmniFocus?
ics looks like a pretty straightforward file format. You might want to open the ics file in a text editor (like textwrangler) and use find and replace to enter commas and returns.
I created a new calendar in ical, and a new context in omnifocus.

I associated the @context with the calendar in ical in preferences.

No sync occurs.

The logs seem normal:

1/27/11 12:03:06 AM OmniFocus[1959] Calendar sync: reading calendars
1/27/11 12:03:07 AM OmniFocus[1959] Calendar sync: calendars=(
"__self__" = "<Calendar: 0x172a3760>";
"_identifier" = "59DFEBFE-FA97-4F24-9F04-6F67C507617D";
"_name" = Work;
1/27/11 12:03:07 AM OmniFocus[1959] Calendar sync: finished with status 1
1/27/11 12:06:55 AM OmniFocus[1959] Calendar sync: reading calendars
1/27/11 12:06:55 AM OmniFocus[1959] Calendar sync: refresh
1/27/11 12:06:55 AM OmniFocus[1959] Calendar sync: replacing all records
1/27/11 12:06:56 AM OmniFocus[1959] Calendar sync: <ISyncChange 0x147eb4b0>{ add record id 'BD6FA3E4-8C61-4F95-AA69-828D73E0EE3A'
set title
set =
set read only }
1/27/11 12:06:56 AM OmniFocus[1959] Calendar sync: <ISyncChange 0x147f1c90>{ add record id 'B863FEA9-60B1-4BC5-9B1F-69D24251A8C8'
set title
set =
set read only }
1/27/11 12:06:56 AM OmniFocus[1959] Calendar sync: calendars=(
"__self__" = "<Calendar: 0x8c6c60>";
"_identifier" = "BD6FA3E4-8C61-4F95-AA69-828D73E0EE3A";
"_name" = "test 2";
"__self__" = "<Calendar: 0x147f1250>";
"_identifier" = "B863FEA9-60B1-4BC5-9B1F-69D24251A8C8";
"_name" = Work;
1/27/11 12:06:56 AM OmniFocus[1959] Calendar sync: finished with status 1

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