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Sequential project start dates Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is there any way to set up a project (sequential) whereby when I finish one item, the next item gets a start date of, say, tomorrow, instead of appearing immediately? I know I can hard-code this in by creating a start date for each item in the project, but (1) there are many items, so I don't want to, and (2) I want to be able to not work on an item every day, so don't want to hard-code the dates. Thanks.
Interesting... so it would basically be a "space these actions out by <x> days" setting?

Not currently supported, but if you email your ideas to our support ninjas and let them know you'd like to see that added, we can add a feature request. Thanks!
I think the feature request can be distilled into: let the start date for an action optionally be "x time after predecessor action completed".

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