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Possible to use the Mail Rule to create a new project in Omnifocus? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hello, I apologize if this question has been asked and answered, I have searched the forums and the user manual but haven't found the answer. Is it possible to create a new project to add to the Omnifocus library when using the Mail Rule? Thank you!

For example --Review Omnifocus user manual >New project Become Mac Ninja @online #today#today

The project "New project Become Mac Ninja" does not currently exist in my Omnifocus library but I would like to create the new project "New project Become Mac Ninja" with the new task "Review Omnifocus user manual" when I send the email for processing using the Mail Rule. Is it possible?
We considered that, but worried that would become too much of a headache when typos inevitably occurred. Instead of a project-less item in the inbox, you'd end up with a new project buried in the database somewhere, which might not be noticed right away.

That said, I'm pretty sure other folks have asked for this feature; if you email the support ninjas, we can attach you to that request in the database and think about it some more!

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