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Full Screen Mode question Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all,

Sorry if this is a very basic question, but I'm struggling...

1. When I enter full screen mode in OG, the tools disappear. In order to access my tools, I have to mouse to the top of the screen and wait for the menu bar to drop down and reveal my tools. This is painful. Please see the attached image.

2. When I try to use the keyboard shortcut to enter or exit Full Screen Mode, it doesn't work. Why?


Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Fullscreen.jpg
Views:	1449
Size:	146.9 KB
ID:	1979  
Kevin, we browse the forums as we're able to do so on top of our other commitments, but with the number of updates we put out in the last couple of weeks as well as the inevitable post-OS-update support rush, we haven't had much time for the forums.

If you want/need a guaranteed response, it's a good idea to email the support ninjas, even if it's just a pointer to the forum thread you created. (We cover the forums as best we can, but we have staff dedicated to phone and email support.)

Looks like we have a feature request open on showing the tools in full-screen mode - I'll drop a note on that item in the development database so the team knows you'd like to see that added.

Regarding the full-screen shortcut - it appears to work on my Mac, unless I've clicked into a text field. (In the inspector or the stencil window, for example.) If you click on your canvas and the shortcut still isn't working, email support and we'll be happy to investigate this with you. Hope this helps!
Thanks very much.

I didn't know if it was an absent feature or something I was doing wrong.

I appreciate the reply.


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