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OmniFocus to Markdown Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I would really love to see some sort of markdown support built into omnifocus or via some sort of applescript or service. This would enable the user to share a project or perspective view with others. Here are some possible usage scenarios:
  1. Meeting Agenda: Keep a list of agenda items for a person or a group. Before the meeting, convert the context for that person/group to a well formatted agenda that can be put on an intranet, printed, or sent in an email.
  2. Project Reporting: Highlight a project(s) and convert them to markdown so that you can share them with a team or post the project status to a website.

Does this sound like it would be helpful? I have submitted a feedback request. I would appreciate any thoughts you would have on how to share the content of omnifocus with others.

You can already export as HTML...
Hi Catone,

The export to email works well for some situations, but it is limiting and bulky. After 200 lines you get:

<table class="basic" id="omnifocus-report">
<tr class="omnifocus-project">
<td style="" class="level-1 wrap"><img class="project-active" />Get house painted</td>
<tr class=>
<td style="" class="level-1 wrap">contact fred for an estimate</td>
<td>Get house painted</td><td>email</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>
<tr class=>
<td style="" class="level-1 wrap">pick out a color</td>
<td>Get house painted</td><td>Home Depot</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>
<tr class=>
<td style="" class="level-1 wrap">remove junk on the side of the house</td>
<td>Get house painted</td><td>home</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>
In markdown, this could be formatted in four lines that I can easily edit.

# get house painted
* contact fred for an estimate
* pick out a color
* remove junk on the side of the house
With the markdown formatting, I can easily convert it to a PDF, a well formatted email, html, or drop it into a CMS that converts the text into the proper formatting.

Last edited by steve; 2011-09-17 at 02:17 PM..
I'm with the OP that markdown composition capabilities would be nice to have.
The way I'm doing this now is with a Markdown (and FoldingText .todo mode) export which I've added to what was originally an OPML exporter.

The Applescript is a wrapper for a standalone Python script with options for filtering which data you export, so you can either select something in the GUI and export it with the Applescript, or use the Python script with something like Hazel to run a regular batch job (or two).

Let me know if there are any adjustments to the Markdown output which seem desirable.


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