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PDF export of Gantt chart Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I can't find if it was reported already here, I send it to the Ninjas but did not get a reply about it, guess I found a bit too many problems on one day and they overlooked it. ;)

The problem is, that the PDF export for the Gantt chart is disrespecting the setting of View->Outline->Collapse when not editing.
Steps to reproduce:
When you have task descriptions that would be going over more than 1 line, because your task outline/Gantt chart separator is very far to the left, and you activate the above mentioned setting to avoid spending this vertical space, then all my tasks do NOT use more vertical space than exactly 1 line in both the task outline and the Gantt chart on the screen.
Now try a PDF export of the Gantt chart done with this setup and you will see, that this PDF behaves as if the above mentioned setting of Collapsing has NOT been set. The Gantt chart clear shows lines that are higher than 1 line.

Best regards,
just wanted to tell that it was unfair to say that the Ninjas overlooked my report about this. I DID get the confirmation that a bug report was filed on the same day.
I overlooked it, because somehow the threads get separated from my CC-copy of the filed report, don't know why. Meaning I have a thread with all my filed reports where just all my CC's are in, plus more threads for each answer from the Ninjas, one per case). I was expecting to see an answer popping up in the thread of my report and therefore thought there was none.
I obviously get too much email...

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