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General import/export advice sought Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've bought OmniPlan at home but would ideally like to be able to view (and preferably update) my plans while I'm at work - where all I have is a Linux box and my trusty iPad 1.

(This problem goes away when OmniPlan for iPad becomes available - preview at MacWorld tomorrow I believe).

So far I've experimented with:

- "The Gantt Project" open source planner mpx/xml import
- SG Project (ipad) xml import/export

It seems that xml/mpx formats are not quite as portable as you'd hope (understament).

Has anyone got a solution that's better than a printout and a ballpoint for when they're away from the MotherShip?
"Projects Ad Lib" seems to be the only iPad app I've found that can read exported OP projects.

But it has issues:
  • It's not cheap
  • It's only a viewer
  • Lack of zoom makes projects with short tasks awkward

On the whole I'd wait for the iPad version of OP or wait for SG Project to cope with OP imports.

For now I'm exporting my OP project to a plain text format in DropBox.

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