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Email tasks/project/folder from app ? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I hope this could be done.
As a plain text list or a csv :)
We've feature requests open on the ability to do this; I'll attach you to them. Thanks!
Is there a list or section on the forum to view open feature requests ?
Attach me to them as well. I've been hoping for this ever since the OF iPHone version first came out. We can do *some* of this on the iPad but when is it going to trickle down to the iPhone?

I manage a small business and I find it very useful to email actions to my employees as a means of delegating.

Added you to the feature request, JohnJ80. Thanks!

Tado, our development database isn't public; it's not impossible that would change someday, but we haven't wanted to divert the time/effort from the products in order to look at this deeply.
Please add my vote for this too.

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