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Wishlist: provide ways to import items Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
It would be nice if OmniFocus allowed importing tasks from other sources.

At a base minimum, that should include a CSV list, but also nice to have would be things like Excel spreadsheets and, hey why not, other GTD apps. While we're at it, maybe calendar / vCard data could come in from iCal, too.

The system my group works with -- which isn't going away even if we do adopt OF to complement it -- allows exporting worklists to an Excel XLS file. I can't figure out a good way to get OmniOutliner to import it -- I could maybe come up with some horrid Applescript / Perl / Quicksilver / etc glue to do this, but *ugh* that's clumsy. It would be awesome if OO/OF could take that XLS file (or a CSV file generated from it, which wouldn't be *too* bad) and turn it into a series of new tasks in the Inbox.

Likewise, if I'm subscribed to someone else's calendar feed in iCal, it would be nice if that could be turned into OF items. kGTD already allows for going the other way, so this would basically just be making that coordination with iCal bidirectional.

Pipedream: have it hook in to systems like Request Tracker or Bugzilla, for both loading in new tasks as well as publishing back to the tracker system when tasks are updated & completed. If it could act as a sort of easy, efficient front-end for such widely used systems, it could be a big win for a lot of people..
// Agreed

I would like some way to import files as well. At a minimum CSV but XML would be even better. It's great there are some scripts that import from X to OO then finally to OF, but that's just too convoluted.

Is there some documentation to manually create files OF can import?

Last edited by ZeroFill; 2008-06-17 at 08:41 AM..
I purchased OF while it was in development, but switched to Things. I'd now like to switch back to OF, but the idea of manually inputting all my tasks makes me hesitant to pull the trigger. An import from Things would be greatly appreciated and it seems to make sense from a competitive perspective.
Originally Posted by KG6BGJ View Post
An import from Things would be greatly appreciated and it seems to make sense from a competitive perspective.
That's true. It's too bad Things has such poor AppleScript support, or this would be a breeze.

What formats can Things export to? If you can get a plain text representation of your data, the AppleScript approach would still be doable.

The Things data is simple XML so it shouldn't be too hard.

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