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Sequential Projects and Due Dates Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all,

If I have sequentially ordered project with a number of actions in it I would like to be able to set a Due date for the first action that when ticked and viewed in the due context on iPhone or Mac will show the next action automatically whilst still in the Due view context. I cant really work out if this is possible. I tried to set a due date for the project its self but this seems to expose all the actions inside it all at once. I use Due dates to remind me do 'stuff' and am aware Omni focus my not promote this kind of application?

Hope to hear back from someone.

Yours Sincerely
To understand ... you want to set an Action group with a Due date and have the Forecast view on the iPhone show only its first as-yet-uncompleted action. AFAIK, this is not possible. I use a Perspective and flags to handle this.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	FocusPerspective.png
Views:	1210
Size:	44.3 KB
ID:	2664  

Thank you for your reply. Your summary of my request is right though I was enquiring more about the due context both on the iphone and Mac as appose the forecast. I presently use flags to filter out clutter on the iphone. Are you saying that you are using the flag to show only the next action?

I use flags to define what Actions, Action Group, or Project are/is to be the Focus for my next immediate period of activity. The Focus perspective (as defined before) is essentially my "action list" that I work off of first. I also have a Due perspective that shows anything Due and NOT.FLAGGED. This perspective is a substitute on the Mac for the Forecast view that takes its place on the iPhone. Finally, I have a Next perspective that shows Next Actions and NOT.FLAGGED.

On my iPhone, the main screen has the Focus, Forecast, and Next perspectives in that order from top down.

Thanks again JJW,

Read and understood. Thank you for explaining your method so thoroughly.

Yours Sincerely

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