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Just bought taskpaper cuz it's on sale: Now some questions about RobTrew's TP exporter script Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Taskpaper is on sale today for a significant discount. So I decided to buy it and try it out.

I used RobTrew's script to export some OF stuff into it. Had a couple of issues. Wondering if there are any ways to address them.

1. When exporting from context view, the project to which each task is attached doesn't seem to export over. So you can't switch between project and context view in Taskpaper

2. When I exported a set of tasks in project view, the projects mostly came over. But in a few cases the project names were not identified as projects. So the name of the project ended up at the end of the preceding project and then the next project's name was blank.

TIA for any thoughts.

See this post.

Anyone who would like to develop these scripts further is welcome to fork them from the Github repository, but for more power, and for more active development of scripts and add-ons generally, I would recommend FoldingText, which is a successor to TaskPaper.
Originally Posted by RobTrew View Post
See this post.

Anyone who would like to develop these scripts further is welcome to fork them from the Github repository, but for more power, and for more active development of scripts and add-ons generally, I would recommend FoldingText, which is a successor to TaskPaper.
Okay, thanks. Folding Text requires Lion and I'm still on Snow Leopard. Taskpaper was also $1.99 yesterday, whereas Folding Text is around $25. I'm sure that's a fair price if I was sure I'd use it (and could try it out). Perhaps down the line.
Originally Posted by RobTrew View Post
See this post.
I would recommend FoldingText, which is a successor to TaskPaper.
I use both FT and TP, and I must say that I *REALLY* prefer TP in general use, largely because I find the structure of the document much easier to follow with the tab indents. FT is an excellent markdown editor though.
Originally Posted by psidnell View Post
I use both FT and TP, and I must say that I *REALLY* prefer TP in general use, largely because I find the structure of the document much easier to follow with the tab indents. FT is an excellent markdown editor though.
Yes, it depends what you are after. FT is still in development (it's underlying engine being replaced with CodeMirror as we speak) but it has a rich programming and filtering language, as well as Markdown outlining, with hoisting, collapse/expand etc.

TP is, at the moment more stable, already has UI for its (less ambitious) query language, and has an iOS version and an ecosystem of scripts etc which make use of its file format.

For the moment, outlining, MD and the scripting language happen to be the things that I need for my projects, but there seems to be some prospect of the two converging around the CodeMirror engine, so that each might become a different display mode in the same editor.

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