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Any trick to exclude "maybe"-project from today perspective? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi there,

maybe someone has a workaround for this situation and is willing to share it with me. I have a today perspective. Setup was this:
1. in project view I've chosen the complete library,
2. then I switched to context mode and
3. did the setup with context filter "active", grouping "project", sorting "project", availability "available", status "any".

What is fine with that is that [important!] every new project i setup is integrated into this perspective. But what i do not want is, that my someday/maybe project is integrated into it.

When exclude the "someday/maybe project" from step 1 no new project (see [important!]) will show up.

So, here is the question: how to exclude just one project permanently from a perspective but let new projects enter into it.

One approach would be to put any projects you want excluded from your day-to-day operating views in a separate folder and mark the folder as dropped (not the project(s), only the folder).
Thanks for that tip. I have to figure out the traps, but it's obviously a nice workaround for my scenario.

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