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Context Menu Google search? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am completely new to OW and so far so good, but one question- is there any way to search Google in OW by means of a context menu search? I sometimes do dozens of such searches in a day by highlighting text. In Safari I use a plugin called Safari Extender which lets me highlight a a phrase and then do a phrase search so I don't have to add the quotation mars as I would with the Services menu item.

Bottom line is that I really like OW but I can't see going back to having to cut and paste and add quotation marks for every Google search.
Just found this on an old post. I should learn to search before posting!

"You could also use Command-Shift-F. This will move highlighted text into the toolbar search field, from there you can choose whatever search engine you like."

Works great.I love it!
Still..any way to auto add quotation marks?
Having a nice chat with myself here. Anyway, I solved the problem by going to Google Advanced Search and adding a search shortcut using the Search By Phrase box. Works like a charm!

Thank you me for all your help.:)

However, you can work around it. Make sure you have the status bar showing (View>Show Status Bar). Open a advanced search page*. Click in the Find results "with the exact phrase" field. In the status bar, a magnifying glass with a + on it will appear. Click it to add the search shortcut. In the dropdown sheet that appears, change the keyword from google to something else if you don't want to replace the default google search (e.g. I picked poogle).

OK, whenever you want to search a phrase, either a) copy/paste the phrase to the search field in the toolbar and select Google Advanced Search from the drop down list (or leave it at that by default), or (b) highlight the text and press command-shift-F to auto-populate the search field, or (c) type poogle in the location field followed by your search phrase.

I've created a short movie of me doing this - click here to view it (4MB)

*Note, if you want to display more than 10 hits per page, select the number from the list for this prior to creating the new search shortcut using the magnifying glass. This applies for any other parameters you might want to set at this stage.

Edit: By the time I had filmed it all, you'd worked it out for yourself anyway ;)

I'll leave it up for the benefit of people finding the thread at a later date.
Great minds think alike!

Thanks anyway.:)
for the record. you could also make a google search shortcut that looks like this:

This has quotation marks encoded around your search query.
You know I did try that, but I neglected to include the % before the @ so it didn't work... thanks for the tip.

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