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Feature request: Configurable rules and custom styles Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I looked through the forums and didn't see anything along these lines, so here goes:

Configurable rules:

This is closely related to the Smart folders discussion, but takes it to the next level. With smart folders in place, you have the logic and UI to define configurable rules too. Instead of using these collection rules to display items, you'd feed them to processing actions. Rules can be applied on all edited items (folders,projects,task groups, tasks, contexts) or at regular intervals.

My First Rule:
While more styles are planned, why not just let us create our own and then create a rule to manipulate the styles?

Overdue Style : make item bold & red
Overdue Rule : select all tasks (due date < today) and setItemStyle(itemStyle | overdueStyle)

The scheduled Overdue Rule would run every night, making sure that stuff I've been slacking off on will come to the forefront (happens with parallel projects).

Other Rules

- custom synchronization rules (e.g. on synch : select all tasks (context is Email or Call) and synch to iPhone)

- notifications (e.g. every weekday at 6pm : select all projects (next review <= today) and execute review script)

- scriptable review processes (e.g. on review : select all projecs (today - last task completed date > month) and "Hey, is this project still active?")

- repeat tasks (i know it's a planned feature, but this could permit more flexible control)

- launch specific applescripts/automators.

I'll send to feeback as well.

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