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Sidebar instead of inspectors Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm fairly new to the Mac, so maybe other people are used to the way the inspector windows float and don't stay connected to the main window, but this bugs me. Every time I move OmniFocus I have to drag the inspectors and put them near the window. I'd rather have a sidebar displaying this information so that it's always connected to the window.
Originally Posted by matt_good
I'm fairly new to the Mac, so maybe other people are used to the way the inspector windows float and don't stay connected to the main window, but this bugs me. Every time I move OmniFocus I have to drag the inspectors and put them near the window. I'd rather have a sidebar displaying this information so that it's always connected to the window.
I've been a Mac user for years and I'm used to the inspector windows. They bug me too, for exactly the reason you give.

Luckily, most of the information on the OF inspectors is available and editable in the main window or in context (right-click) menus. Currently missing are repetition intervals and review intervals. I'm hoping for in-line icons (like the flag and paperclip) that would bring up a mini-window for these settings. Then I can just leave the inspectors closed.

For now, I park the inspectors in the corner of the screen and only make them visible when I need them.

i have 2 monitors. i like to keep the inspectors on the 2nd monitor. it ure would be nice to be able to "dock" them and connect them to the main window though.
I don't mind them as inspectors, I think it's a nice Omni-paradigm. But man, I wish they had keyboard shortcuts like in OmniOutliner. I hate using the mouse to add repeat status to tasks.

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