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Sync OminFocus between machines Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I recall some discussion at the after hours event in San Fran during WWDC about keeping instances of OmniFocus on two machines (like home and work) in sync. I thought I heard someone mention that they were using WebDav to do this. Can anyone explain how I might be able to do this. Basically I want to be able to open up OF at either machine and have it be in sync.
My main computer is a desktop, and of course I have a laptop to lug around when working remotely. So I would love if this gets added to OF for release!

I synchronize between my desktop and my laptop via synk. You have to synchronize the folder home/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus
Originally Posted by lexlimo View Post
I recall some discussion at the after hours event in San Fran during WWDC about keeping instances of OmniFocus on two machines (like home and work) in sync. I thought I heard someone mention that they were using WebDav to do this. Can anyone explain how I might be able to do this. Basically I want to be able to open up OF at either machine and have it be in sync.
I use .Mac for this. You need to use the shell to symlink the OF document (which is really a directory) to the location you wish to use on the iDisk; it works reasonably well for me.

The only tricky thing is that you're syncing a directory, not a file. I think that there were some issues with a build within the past week where there was a "backup" copy of the directory at one point, and the link was being overwritten by OF as it re-created a file. But it's been fine the past several days.

(Happy to amplify this if someone wants a walk-through...)

Originally Posted by kmp View Post
I use .Mac for this. You need to use the shell to symlink the OF document (which is really a directory) to the location you wish to use on the iDisk; it works reasonably well for me.

The only tricky thing is that you're syncing a directory, not a file. I think that there were some issues with a build within the past week where there was a "backup" copy of the directory at one point, and the link was being overwritten by OF as it re-created a file. But it's been fine the past several days.

(Happy to amplify this if someone wants a walk-through...)

I would be very interested in learning how you are syncing your laptop desktop. Please amplify. Thanks.

+1 for step by step amplification.

Also, +1 for OmniGroup building in an AppleScript that does this for you.

+1 more for step-by-step amplification.

+1 for automation.
I'm glad I'm not the only one interested in this feature. I'm wondering though, if it doesn't make sense to be able to simply be able to set the location of the OF file (or directory of xml files as it appears to be) in the preferences. So one could set it to be a WebDav mount or something? As I type that it seems like a bad idea but it would at least be better than setting up symlinks in the shell one would think.
The file used for iWeb is normally located in the library, like OmniFocus. If you move this file to a .Mac folder and you double-click on it, iWeb will open the file AND also remember this location the next time you open iWeb itself.

In this way the user file is automatically synced via .Mac adnd is it quit easy to work on more than one Mac on OmniFocus. Another pro is that it can be synced with a machine always online, being the iPhone webserver for OmniFocus.
Originally Posted by RuleRulez View Post
The file used for iWeb is normally located in the library, like OmniFocus. If you move this file to a .Mac folder and you double-click on it, iWeb will open the file AND also remember this location the next time you open iWeb itself.

In this way the user file is automatically synced via .Mac and is it quite easy to work on more than one Mac on OmniFocus. Another pro is that it can be synced with a machine always online, being the iPhone webserver for OmniFocus.
Could you go into some more detail on exactly how to set this up for multi-machine OmniFocus with one always-on machine playing webserver? Step-by-step would be helpful. These references to iWeb are slightly confusing for me.

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