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clipping from Apple Mail Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
If I select some text in a mail message, the clip to the quick task entry works - but when I click on the "original message" hyperlink in the Omnifocus task, it switches to Mail but gets an error "No associated application could be found" (I am on Leopard).

Also, it would be really nice to be able to do the shortcut key to clip a message with just the message selected in the inbox (eg without having to select some text) - it most cases, if I want to turn a message into a task, there isn't some specific part of the message I want to highlight - just a quick way to make the task...
I checked and I see why the links to the mail messages are failing - they are all:
This is working fine for me, so something about your configuration differs from mine. I'm using 10.5.1 both with and without MailTags installed. The message identifier is supposed to go in between the angle brackets, so you might check if you have some 3rd party Mail bundle installed that is breaking getting the message identifier.
CTO, The Omni Group
I'm using the same version of mail as you are - fresh MacBook system, no other mail programs or handlers installed - if you can point me to what configuration information OF is looking at to grab that, I can check it.

(and I should have put the 2nd paragraph of my original note in a separate post - but I see someone just made a post on the same topic:
Originally Posted by dsolomon View Post
I'm using the same version of mail as you are - fresh MacBook system, no other mail programs or handlers installed - if you can point me to what configuration information OF is looking at to grab that, I can check it.
We simply ask the Mail message for its message identifier using AppleScript.

If you select a single message in your message viewer in Mail and run the following in Script Editor (/Applications/AppleScript/Script Editor), what does it report?

tell application "Mail"
	set MyMessages to selection
	tell first item of MyMessages
		message id
	end tell
end tell

Originally Posted by dsolomon View Post
(and I should have put the 2nd paragraph of my original note in a separate post - but I see someone just made a post on the same topic:
This is a bug in Mail we are pushing hard on Apple to solve. In my "spare" time, I'm also working on a Mail plugin to overcome this bug since many folks clearly want this.
CTO, The Omni Group
I ran the script - the result was:

I have never referenced any Gmail account on this Mac, so no idea how this string got in here.

Is there an easy way to reset this to connect to Apple Mail?
Was the selected message in Apple Mail from a gmail account?

Yes - now when I go back and try again, links back to mail messages are working fine - no idea why; it definitely wasn't before. Thanks for the help.
FWIW - I see this problem. I get the "no associated application" message.
I have no indev products installed. Something (Mail?) pops up a little box that says -
When I run Tim's script I see

Last edited by djn; 2007-11-23 at 01:33 PM..
The %3C and %3E are URL-encoded "<" and ">", which are already in the URL. So, I'm not sure how those would get in there multiple times. If you use Edit Link from the context menu and remove the %3C and %3E does it work?

Could you also try selecting the message in Mail and pressing shift-command-H to toggle on full header display and copy the Message-Id header? For example, one of mine looks like:

Message-Id: <>
CTO, The Omni Group

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