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Start Dates should default to the Future, not the Past Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Action Start dates should default to the future, even when not specifying a year. Currently, if you do not specify the year, the current year is used even if the month specified is in the past.

Ideally, users should not have to specify year, simply entering MO/DY should work, it actually does in most cases, but kinda breaks here.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a new Action
2. Set the Start date in month/day format, such as 1/7 or 2/14.

OmniFocus will set the start date as 1/7/07 or 2/14/07, even if you are creating these dates a couple months out from the next occurence of the month, say in November or December 07.

Ideally OmniFocus should default to the future for start dates or even better us a basic logic to pick default year. Something like this:

IF current date is closer to specified start date in calendar moving forward AND date does not appear in this year's calendar moving forward THEN year defaults to next year ELSE year defaults to current year (past).

I submitted this a couple weeks ago and received a repsonse saying it's an open feature request but they weren't certain if it would get done in version 1.0. They thanked me for submitting it and said: "One of the factors that determines what we add to OmniFocus is the number of people that are requesting a given change, so thanks for requesting this!"

So please submit it via the formal feedback mechanism if you want this feature.
Thanks Dave, I submitted it via Feedback as well after finally reading the Support Ninja's Sticky.

- Sam
Originally Posted by dave256 View Post
"One of the factors that determines what we add to OmniFocus is the number of people that are requesting a given change, so thanks for requesting this!"
Clearly there are features that not everyone embrace, so I can see the need for some form of "voting." But then there are obvious "bugs" that shouldn't have to be voted on. These are the things that the Omni ninjas should slap their foreheads and realize "well, of course" - this in my mind is one of those things.

It sounds like the response you got is boilerplate - at least I hope so!
I submitted this some time ago, too. It was the subject of a new thread last week too. The exception, by the way, is completion dates: if I enter a completion date in the Inspector, I hope OF defaults to a past date!

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