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mpp file import - no descriptions! Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I imported an .mpp file and it all came over (dates, resources) but none of the tasks / milestones have descriptions!

All that is there is "Task 1" "Task 2" etc.



The most likely situation is that the .mpp file was created with Microsoft Project 2007. OmniPlan doesn't really support that yet, but if you re-save (or maybe it's an export option) from Project 2007 into the 2003 format, it should work.

If that doesn't help, would it be possible to send a copy of the .mpp file to so we can figure out what's going wrong?
Thanks, It'll take a day or two to have him export it. The .mpp file lives on a sharepoint site for the project members to get to, so there is more than one person involved with the file.
I am sending you the file to have a looksee (look see?)

Originally Posted by askon View Post
I imported an .mpp file and it all came over (dates, resources) but none of the tasks / milestones have descriptions!

All that is there is "Task 1" "Task 2" etc.



I have precisely this same issue. I need to open an MS Project file; it is being "saved as" a Project 2000-2003 file, and I get the same results. Trying to open the same file when exported as XML simply causes to OmniPlan to hang and hang (irrecoverable spinning beach ball). Have tried the export several times and the same results apply each time--everything comes across just fine, save for the task name/description. All I get is a numbered list of tasks, "task 1, task 2, etc."
Originally Posted by dolemanm View Post
I have precisely this same issue. I need to open an MS Project file; it is being "saved as" a Project 2000-2003 file, and I get the same results. Trying to open the same file when exported as XML simply causes to OmniPlan to hang and hang (irrecoverable spinning beach ball). Have tried the export several times and the same results apply each time--everything comes across just fine, save for the task name/description. All I get is a numbered list of tasks, "task 1, task 2, etc."
We're going to be working on this issue in a later version of OmniPlan. I don't have an ETA on this right now unfortunately.

Do you have access to Microsoft Project 2003? Opening the 2007 file in 2003 and then saving it might work better.
Originally Posted by dolemanm View Post
I have precisely this same issue. I need to open an MS Project file; it is being "saved as" a Project 2000-2003 file, and I get the same results. Trying to open the same file when exported as XML simply causes to OmniPlan to hang and hang (irrecoverable spinning beach ball). Have tried the export several times and the same results apply each time--everything comes across just fine, save for the task name/description. All I get is a numbered list of tasks, "task 1, task 2, etc."
On the basis of the squeaky wheel getting the oil and all that I have to add a me too on this one just to up the numbers a bit.

Originally Posted by nicklo View Post
On the basis of the squeaky wheel getting the oil and all that I have to add a me too on this one just to up the numbers a bit.

Thanks Nick, I'll add your vote. :-)

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