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Some actions with start dates don't become available until OF is reopened Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am having an issue with the start dates of actions. Ironically, one of the actions I am having trouble with is 'Read OF forums'. This action is set to repeat every day.

I leave OF open on my computer 24/7. When I do my morning review, this (and other) actions do not appear as available until I quit, then re-open OF.

Anyone else experienced this? (Submitted as feedback.)
Originally Posted by nomad_penguin View Post
I am having an issue with the start dates of actions. Ironically, one of the actions I am having trouble with is 'Read OF forums'. This action is set to repeat every day.

I leave OF open on my computer 24/7. When I do my morning review, this (and other) actions do not appear as available until I quit, then re-open OF.

Anyone else experienced this? (Submitted as feedback.)
Yes this has happened at least twice to me also, and I submitted a bug report as well.
I can confirm this as well. It seems to affect just the tasks which are starting the next day, i.e. if you enter a task that starts in two minutes, you will get a Growl notification, but if you enter a task that starts tomorrow at 9am, it will forget about it. I also just tested entering a task starting in two minutes, putting my MacBook to sleep and waking it up again - it worked fine. Seems to be a problem with the date change(?).
I've seen the same behavior. An action with a start date doesn't show up as available on the day specified. Closing and restarting OmniFocus each day will get around the problem, but I want to leave the application running.
The gurus have responded; this is a known issue and they are working on it. Cool.

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