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What's happened to page numbers in OG5, and slow printing? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Graffle 5 seems to be great so far, but am coming across a few issues.

1) Page numbers
They used to be by each canvas in the canvas drawer. Now where?? I have a 200 page omni graffle doc and without page numbers and it becomes very hard to just print a particular page...

2) Slow printing
When I select print, it takes a good chunk of spinny ball time for the print dialog to appear - I presume because graffle generates a pdf preview to show up in the print dialog. Is there any way to turn the preview off? Sending the document to print should be something that you can do almost instantaneously.
Oh I see - you can print individual pages with the "Print canvas" option.

But page numbers are not just for printing.

I have to manually generate a table of contents each time I publish my document to the client, and now the only way to do it easily is to firstly generate a pdf and then transpose the page numbers from apple preview back into omnigraffle. Kind of annoying...

And any comment about the really painfully slow printing that I am experiencing?

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