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are there any advanced videos available? if not are there any plans on creating any as a follow up to basic?
I second the motion! :-)

I'd love to see more videos of both how the interface works.... and how people are using OmniFocus in real world situations.....

I was just going to post this very same thing.

I would like to see:
1) An in-depth look at Perspectives
2) Real-world workflow - covering GTD concepts - capture, delegating, waiting for, etc; emphasis on effect ways to accomplish the review concept (including how to set up perspectives useful for review)
3) maybe a short video on repeating actions (seems to generate lots of forum discussion)
4) maybe a short piece on iCal
5) maybe a short piece on mail - with and without mail tags
Count my vote also please .
Another vote here!!
For what it's worth, I've been waiting for an advanced video as well since the official release.
that's a vote from me too
who doesn't want one
I cosign on that one. Something you just can't get from reading the directions!

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