This is both a tip for OmniFocus users and a feature suggestion for the developers.
I've set up an interesting and efficient system for using my iPhone to add new tasks while I'm not at my desktop machine. I've created a contact entitled "OmniFocus" whose email address is simply my personal email address with the +omnifocus flag before the @ sign. When I'm out and about, I leave a blank email open with the recipient set to this OmniFocus contact and the email body focused, ready for my input. When I get ideas randomly, I simply unlock my phone and the keypad is awaiting my idea immediately. When I send the email, I then go through the process to bring a new, blank email up ready for my input again. This usually takes 5-8 seconds and gives me a moment to actually think of another thing on the top of my head I want to jot down. Until the OmniFocus iPhone app comes out, I think this approach is hugely valuable for all OmniFocus+iPhone users. :)
Now, to the developers: I've kept the default email signature of my iPhone "Sent from my iPhone." because I often have typos or am overly brief when writing actual emails to people on my iPhone. When I send an email to myself as a task, this signature text "Sent from my iPhone." is added as a task note. I think it'd be a simple and sensible feature to have the emails fetched from stripped of this ending NSString because, in reality, many people still use it and it only clutters up the database or adds additional cleanup work later.
Would leave to hear feedback from OmniFocus users and its developers alike!
Jay Phillips
I've set up an interesting and efficient system for using my iPhone to add new tasks while I'm not at my desktop machine. I've created a contact entitled "OmniFocus" whose email address is simply my personal email address with the +omnifocus flag before the @ sign. When I'm out and about, I leave a blank email open with the recipient set to this OmniFocus contact and the email body focused, ready for my input. When I get ideas randomly, I simply unlock my phone and the keypad is awaiting my idea immediately. When I send the email, I then go through the process to bring a new, blank email up ready for my input again. This usually takes 5-8 seconds and gives me a moment to actually think of another thing on the top of my head I want to jot down. Until the OmniFocus iPhone app comes out, I think this approach is hugely valuable for all OmniFocus+iPhone users. :)
Now, to the developers: I've kept the default email signature of my iPhone "Sent from my iPhone." because I often have typos or am overly brief when writing actual emails to people on my iPhone. When I send an email to myself as a task, this signature text "Sent from my iPhone." is added as a task note. I think it'd be a simple and sensible feature to have the emails fetched from stripped of this ending NSString because, in reality, many people still use it and it only clutters up the database or adds additional cleanup work later.
Would leave to hear feedback from OmniFocus users and its developers alike!
Jay Phillips