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Bay Area Omnifocus user sought... Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am a new OF user and am sure i am using a wee fraction of the program's capabilities. I have lots of questions... and would *really appreciate a face-to-face training with someone who is savvy. Am posting here (and not CL) in the hopes of finding the right person to help me out. Am in the midst of a product launch (not tech / greeting cards of an innovative kind) and i've gotta stay on track and on time... Is my OF guru right around the corner? I'm in Berkeley... will to travel for assist if need be. thanks!
I'm in San Jose. But with work, two young children, and an OmniFocus database packed with projects, it'd be a struggle to make it up to Berkeley. But maybe we could work something out.

I don't know if I'm an OmniFocus guru, but I think I'm savvy. :) Let me know if you want to discuss it further.
thanks for responding!! maybe a phone call would do it... might be easier as you are so near, and yet, so far (and busy!). Or maybe i could drive down to you when going in that direction on biz... I have a sense f2f is best, but... let's discuss.;-)
If you have a meet-up in San Jose, let me know. I've been using OF since the days of kinkless. I'm sure a colleague of mine would be interested in joining us as well.

The new emerging job description "OmniFocus consultant" sounds cool. :)
Maybe we should organize an "OmniFocus Users Group" in San Jose if there's enough interest. We could meet at a local coffee shop or restaurant (preferably with free wifi, but I guess that's not a necessity). Come to think of it, even a library would work if people want wifi.

@bezerkeleygal - Could you make it down to San Jose some evening(s) if we put something together? If so, what day/time is best for you?

@steve - What about you, Steve? Is there a day/time/venue that's particularly good for you and your colleague?

I'm near the Vineland Branch of the San Jose Public Library and I know they have meeting rooms with free wifi. There are also a couple of nice coffee houses in nearby Los Gatos, very close to an Apple Store:

Great Bear Coffee & Café
Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company

What do you think? Anyone else on the forum interested?

BTW - feel free to send me a private message if you want to take this discussion offline. Just click on a person's username in the bluish area to the left of a forum post and select "Send a private message..." from the menu that appears.

Last edited by Toadling; 2008-05-15 at 12:17 PM.. Reason: Added "private message" comment
I'm in as well folks - I work at Cisco on Tasman so pretty close to San Jose locations...

a) we're thrilled that you folks are organizing
b) we'd be happy to look at doing some sort of remote trainings, demos, etc.
c) we'd also be happy to meet up whenever we are next down that way

Specifically to point c: We'll be close to you folks the week of WWDC (in SF, June 9-13 2008) and would be open to arranging some sort of OmniFocus training/meet-up. Not sure about location, etc. but let's discuss.

I'm not sure what the best way to coordinate this would be, so I'll keep it on this thread for now. You can also reach me on my email: es - at - omnigroup d0t com.

-Ethan Schoonover / The Omni Group
Excellent, aleding. That makes 5 of us so far, I think. Anyone else?

I'm out of town on business next week, but I could make it to something this weekend or anytime after May 26th.
Ethan, that'd be great! Involvement from Omni Group makes this idea even more attractive.

I guess it's up to other people here if we want to meet before the week of WWDC, particularly bezerkeleygal, since she really made the initial request. With some advance warning, I can be available almost any evening. And I'd certainly be interested in a training/meet-up session involving Omni Group around WWDC week.

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