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Mail Integration -vs- Mail Signatures Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
The first line, and any other lines starting with -- (double-hyphens), become new actions. Other lines become notes for the preceding action.
Most email signatures also start with -- (double-hyphens), many people additionally use blocks of hyphens in their signature. This is confusing the crap out of OmniFocus - and on an iPhone it's not that easy to simply remove the signature thats preferably automatically appended to every new mail.

Is there a way to change the default -- (double-hyphens) behavior?
OmniFocus -> Preferences -> Mail
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
OmniFocus -> Preferences -> Mail
I started there, i am currently using +omnifocus before @ sign.

However my question is not about the -- (double-hyphens) that triggers processing, but the changing the characters that proceed a new action to something other than -- (double-hyphens).

Is there a level of preference customization that i have inadvertently not found?
Yes, it is OmniFocus -> Preferences -> Mail.

There are two radial boxes-- one for the "+omnifocus" and one for "a subject starting with [--] "

You can change the [--] to something else. So for example you could change it to && and it should parse the email.

Ahh, so in oder to do this i have to switch to "a subject starting with". I guess i will have to do that then.

It would be nice if it was possible to keep +omnifocus before @ sign and still shift that to something like [&&].

I haven't personally adopted the +omnifocus because when I tried to create an account on gmail, it would accept that as an address. I do however want to make the transition to +omnifocus so that when I am adding something to my inbox it is less transparent. For example, I often use this method when I am assigning a task to someone. I put my address as a bcc and "--" in the subject of the email. It is an odd practice to put -- or && in the body of the email.

If I had a steve+omnifocus@mygtdaccount set up, then I could throw emails that I send into my OmniFocus inbox without other people knowing it.

If you have already set up a special email account with the +omnifocus you can still use that as an address if you decide to have OmniFocus look for &&. However, you can't do both at the same time.
From what Ken said last night at the OmniFocus Meetup, it sounded like you don't need to create a new email account or email alias with the "+omnifocus" suffix, but rather just append it to your normal email address in your favorite mail application and send it off.

If I understood Ken, it seems as if most mail servers will still forward an email with "+omnifocus" after the user name to your regular address. I just tested this with .Mac and it seems to work there.

Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
. . . you don't need to create a new email account or email alias with the "+omnifocus" suffix, but rather just append it to your normal email address in your favorite mail application and send it off.
I just tested this with .Mac and it seems to work there.
Dennis, as usual, great pick-up! This works in gmail. I am dropping the [--] method in favor of "+omnifocus" as I think this is a much better approach.
Originally Posted by steve View Post
(snip) I am dropping the [--] method in favor of "+omnifocus" as I think this is a much better approach.
Exactly, that was my initial finding as well... but in doing this any -- (double-hyphens) in the signature will create additional items in 0mniFocus.

I also did try what was suggested above, using [&&] in the subject instead of [--] and 0mniFocus appended the "&&" to every item.
Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
If I understood Ken, it seems as if most mail servers will still forward an email with "+omnifocus" after the user name to your regular address. I just tested this with .Mac and it seems to work there.
Hi Dennis -- can you please give an example where this would be useful? As a newbie, I can't quite see how I'd use this feature. Since I can at any point pull up the quick-edit box from within any app, and create a new task -- would the purpose of mailing myself a to-do (that would end up forwarded to OF), be if I was at somebody else's computer and thought of something to add to my OF? So I would mail it to myself from another computer?

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